Keller Williams Realty Corona - Marisel Polizzo
Marisel Polizzo
Keller Williams Realty Corona
Corona, CA
English / Spanish
Giấy phép số: 02190897 - CA / REALTOR®
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CHỢ TRUNG TÂM Keller Williams Realty Corona

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Marisel is a compassionate and dedicated professional with a passion for caring for the community. Her extensive background in business management and nursing has equipped her with the skills and knowledge to provide exceptional service to her clients, and her commitment to volunteer organizations reflects her desire to make a positive impact in the lives of others.
Marisel has over 17 years of experience in business management, specifically in the residential restoration and construction industry. During this time, she honed her skills in leadership, communication, and problem-solving. She has a proven track record of managing teams and projects, delivering exceptional customer service, and achieving business objectives. Her expertise in this field has given her a deep understanding of the importance of timely and efficient communication, attention to detail, and going above and beyond to meet clients' needs.
In addition to her business management experience, Marisel has over 10 years of experience as a Registered Cardiac Nurse. As a nurse, she has worked in a variety of healthcare settings. Her focus has always been on providing compassionate and personalized care to patients, and she has a keen eye for identifying their unique needs and developing individualized care plans. Her experience in healthcare has taught her the importance of empathy, clear communication, and attention to detail, all of which she brings to her work as a real estate agent.
Marisel's commitment to caring for the community extends beyond her professional work. She is an active member of several volunteer organizations and youth programs. Her dedication to these organizations reflects her desire to give back to the community and improve the lives of those around her. She is passionate about advocating for her community and is always looking for ways to make a positive impact in the lives of others.
As a devoted mother, Marisel understands the importance of family and community. She brings this same sense of care and commitment to her work as a real estate agent. When working with her clients, she is dedicated to understanding their unique needs and helping them achieve their goals. She is a skilled negotiator, always working to ensure that her clients get the best possible deal. She is also a knowledgeable and professional real estate agent who is committed to providing exceptional service.
In conclusion, Marisel is a compassionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated professional with a passion for caring for the community. Her extensive background in business management and nursing has equipped her with the skills and knowledge to provide exceptional service to her clients, and her commitment to volunteer organizations reflects her desire to make a positive impact in the lives of others. When working with Marisel, you can expect a caring and knowledgeable real estate agent committed to negotiating on your behalf and improving your quality of life.

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My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Marisel Polizzo
Giấy phép số: 02190897

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